Sims 4 CC Packs | Fan Made stuff Packs – Download | 2024
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What. are Sims for fan made stuff packs?
Sims 4 CC packs & fan made stuff packs are a kit of various everyday activities that any Sims 4 player needs to perform with their group.
The best and the most talented Sims 4 fans have come up with some really good custom. Although the Sims 4 mod packs already have 12 custom packs they, are not often enough for the people.
Why was the custom made stuff packs required by the Sims 4 users?
The fan base of Sims 4 studio is always in search of something new and exciting to do in the Sims. These Sims 4 fan made stuff packs are all designed to not only change the way the fan base looks at Sims but also to make people experience something new and exciting based on their lifestyles.
In case, you and your group have some of your own favourite activities and adventurous activities which you people love to perform while you chill out together then the Sims 4 custom stuff packs can make you do that in the virtual world even if meeting in person is not possible.
In the already designed 12 stuff custom packs by Sims 4 studio at times, you do not enjoy every activity included in the pack. These customized sims 4 cc packs can surely make you do that as here you can custom those packs by including your favourite activities.

Some of the Sims 4 cc packs are
We are here with the list of few of the most in-demand Sims 4 mod packs.
The Sims 4 grilled cheese stuff
Cheese is no doubt almost everybody’s favourite. So the grilled cheese Sims 4 fan-made custom packs was quite an obvious creation without any doubt. So, this yummingly interesting stuff pack contains –
- Accessories related to Grilled cheese
- Recolors of Grilled cheese
- Recolors related objects used in Grilled cheese
- Accessories related to grilled cheese
Click Here For Grilled Cheese Stuff
The Sims 4 Parenthood Kitchen Pack
For those who feel that the new parenthood kit needs recolor, this is a must to use sims 4 mod packs. For the tiny toddlers, even this pack has got many surprises. This includes
- 15 new construction items
- 2 pose packs
Click Here For Parenthood Kitchen Pack
The Sims 4 Get to bed stuff Pack
by Luumia
In case you need unique items that revolve around your sleepwear and bedroom routine then this is a must to try custom made custom pack just for you.
- 5 CAS items
- 4 construction/ building items
Sims 4 Teeny tots Stuff Pack
This fantastically designed sims 4 cc packs contains 15 items in Sims 4 mod packs.
- 15 new construction items
- 2 packs for posing
Sims 4 Summer Stroll Pack
To enhance your cool summer looks with a new set of summer clothing, hairstyles, etc. try out this unique mode which contains –
- 11 new CAS items
- 2 new infrastructure items
Sims 4 Spring Fling Stuff Pack
This Sims 4 mod pack includes so many new items such as –
by deetron-sims / nolan-sims / riice / pixielated
- 6 different types of hairstyles
- 8 sets of clothing
- 2 types of hats
- 5 face makeup kits
- 13 infrastructure items
The Sims 4 Dunkin Brands Stuff Pack
Dunkin donuts are mouth watering for almost everyone out there including Sims 4 cc packs. This new Sims 4 fan made stuff packs is all inspired from there. This includes
- Dunkin donuts kitchen kit which has Aprons and uniforms
- New dunkin donuts preparing objects
- Recolors
- Build material for constructing ice cream parlour
The Sims 4 Pyjama Party Kids Clothing Pack
by standardheld
Just think of the last pyjama party that you enjoyed with your gang. Wasn’t that the real fun? Well, your answer must be a big yes. If so, then use this kit and enjoy the items in it to give you a real pyjama party feeling. The list includes items such as –
- 9 clothing sets
- 647 set of swatches
Sims 4 Stellar stuff
A collaboration between @applezingsims @coreopsims @deetron-sims @femmeonamissionsims @javabeandreams @nolan-sims @pickypikachu @quiddity-jones @sjane4prezcc & @teanmoon
There are nearly 127 items in this awesomely designed fan made stuff pack. Those items are listed below –
- 110 items such as meshes, outfits, accessories, recolours, etc.
- 16 new construction items
- 1 Residential space
The Sims 4 sweetheart stuff Packs
by habsims / holosprite / sim-blob / synthsims
This great Sims 4 custom made stuff pack contains items such as
- 4 sets of T shirts
- 3 makeup Kits
- 3 types of hairstyles
- 6 sets of clothing
- 2 construction items
The Sims 4 Windenburg University stuff Packs
by redhotchillisimblr / vivificus-zombiae / zx-ta / haziesims
This is again one of the brilliantly created fan made stuff pack. This pack contains the following items –
- The Windenburg University Lot
- New items i.e., CAS recolors
- New Infrastructure recolors
- A set of 25 objects and walls set inherited and modified from Sims 2
- Storytelling pose pack
The Sims 4 Hogwarts Stuff Pack
Are you a Harry Potter fan? If yes, then this is for you. This pack includes –
- More than 40 conversions
- Almost 60 recolors and meshes
Sims 4 sweet dreams clothing Stuff Pack
Follow your bedtime routine in the world of Sims using this luxuriously designed fanmade kit. Experience the real-time fun by using various sets of night dresses and sleepwear. This is an exclusively designed custom pack for the females.
Sims 4 Manly Dreams Stuff Pack
In case you are in search of sleepwear for the male counterpart then this Sims 4 mod packs is all you need to try out.
Sims 4 Fan made New year Stuff Pack
Enjoy the new year celebrations virtually using this cc stuff pack.
Sims 4 funny fruits Stuff Pack
– To play Sims in the ninja style this great stuff pack is all you need to explore.
Sims 4 cool guys style mini Stuff Pack
To reinvent your Sims 4 looks and get the all-new cool avatar this season try out this chill Sims 4 pack.
Sims 4 Luxe Kids wear Store conversion Stuff Pack
This pack is based on a conversion from Sims 3 which Sims fanbase has modified in Sims 4 mod.
Sims 4 Beautiful boots Stuff Pack
This fan-made stuff pack contains various pairs of shoes for the shoe lovers out there.
Sims 4 Lady Mc Simmer’s Stuff Pack
This is a special kit designed for the female fanbase of the Sims 4 and is entirely based upon their likes and choices.
How can one add the CC packs to the Sims 4 game?
Installing the CC packs and mods within the game tends to be little confusing. From knowing the exact location to place an item to configuring the things to do as your cc fails to function properly, there are things that can be very tricky. This is especially true if you are a beginner in the game.
So, let us get started with the process to download and install the Sims 4 cc stuff packs.
When planning to install the custom stuff packs, make sure that the game is properly patched. Before you download & install the custom content, make sure that the game is updated with recently available patches. Before installing the Sims 4 cc stuff packs, check for internet connection. Now, open the Origin folder and enter the Game Library’s Sims 4 section. Now, click over its Settings tab.
Now click over the button named “Update Game”. The Origin feature will download & install all of the Sims 4 cc expansion packs automatically. If the game is updated completely, you will surely get the notification stating so.
Download the extraction tool:
Once you begin downloading the CC, you might notice that most of these files come with post fixes such as .zip, .rar, .7s, & so on. This is due to the fact that the files have actually been compressed to allow swift download and addition to the game. This is why, you might need a specifically dedicated to for extraction of the files.
It is recommended that you use Winrar for file extraction. Once you are done downloading the same, install the same over the computer & proceed to the upcoming step for extraction of the files.
Turn on the CC Mods in Sims 4 Game:
By default, your Sims 4 game comes with the option for disabling the mods within the game. Now, before you actually get started and play with the mods or custom content, you will have to start the game & turn the mods on. You also have to do the same after each of the patches has been released.
In order to turn on the CC mods, you have to start your Sims 4 game. Now, click over the game’s Menu option out of the three options given in the right hand top corner of the game menu. After this, click over the option for Enable CC & Mods. Following this, click on the button for Apply Changes & restart the game. So, the next session of your game will have the settings enabled.
How can you download the Sims 4 Fan Packs?
Now that you have patched in the game, all you got to do is opt for proper extraction tools over the computer. Download some of the CC mods that you would want to use within the game. Once you have located the CCs you want in your Sims 4 fanmade packs, click over the download option present over the website.
Once the download session is completed, you need to click over the right-click option & select the folder where the mods have been downloaded. Typically, if you have kept the default settings on your computer, the downloaded files will be present on the download section of the computer.
How can you install the custom expansion packs?
In order to install the sims 4 cc bundle, you need to open the game’s download folder. Now, you have to right-click over the content downloaded. If you plan on using the WinRar, you might see one icon which looks similar to the book stack. Click over the option which reads, “Extract to (The Name of Mod File)”. After this, the file shall be extracted into the folder.
Open the folder & check all the contents present inside. In most cases, you will notice the presence of files that tend to end with the postfix which is .Package.
Now, this is actually the type of file used with the Sims 4 CC mods. This doesn’t mean you might not see other types of files. Many creators might include the CC images or the .txt files for instructions and so.
Depending on your choice, they can be discarded in a safe manner. If you happen to locate the file types that end with suffixes such as .bpi, .ts4script, .trayitem, or .blueprint, make sure you refrain from deleting the same.
In order to install the Sims 4 cc bundle, you need to follow the pathway:
Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 4> Mods/CC
Once you are within the final folder, all you need to do is simply opt for a right click and choose the option “Paste”. Doing this will enable the visibility of the default .package files.
Troubleshooting for Sims 4 Mod Packs
After you have installed your sims 4 fan made stuff packs as described in the sections above, it might work particularly fine. However, in case the game doesn’t work due to certain reasons, you need to check out the troubleshooting options listed below.
Here is a list of all the issues that you need to check & try if you happen to have problems in the game.
- As described in the pointers above, you need to have the best sims 4 cc & script mods in the game turned on.
- If you fail to find any particular item within the Buy Mode, click over the tab for Filter Items, Select Content, & now select the button suggesting enabling of Custom Content. Here, you can see all the items downloaded by you.
- When downloading or installing the free mods from the Sims 4 cc sites, make sure you cross-check the CC installation status by clicking over the View CC Button present in your game’s Option Menu. Now, take a look at all the files that have been listed here. You can see the CC downloaded by you for the game.
- Open up the Mods folder & make sure the CC has been placed perfectly within the game files. Remember, the only files that need to be present in your mods folder should end in .ts4script or .package. If the files downloaded from the best Sims 4 CC sites, end in .rar, .zip, or similar file types, they might not work in the game.
- While online, make sure you go into the Origin folder & repair the game. If you check through the Sims 4 downloadable content, you can find some of the most important mods within the Sims 4 game library. If you plan on repairing a mod with the help of Sims 4 cc websites, you need to go to the game’s Settings Option & click over the Repair Game option.
- However, you need to know that the same shouldn’t be on when you are doing this.
- If you have troubles running the mods from the best sims 4 cc creators, you can try and delete the .cache files. In order to do this, you have to follow the default Sims 4 pathway in your computer. Now, delete the file named localthumbscache.package. Additionally, when using the mods from the best sims 4 custom content, you will notice a folder that has been titles cachestr and cache. For proper game functioning, you can erase everything that is present in the folders. However, make sure you refrain from deleting the folders themselves. Delete the cache files that allow the Sims 4 game to be fixed automatically.
- You need to re-download your mod & start over. At times, your downloaded file can actually be corrupted. In such cases, you have to delete the initially downloaded files. Now, download the new files again & place the same into the mods folder & check whether it works perfectly.
- Another thing you need to ensure is check whether the mod or best sims 4 clothing mods are completely updated. With this game, there is always something new with each patch that comes along. Generally, the creator of the mod is aware of all the changes & will surely update the same on his/her website. This will help notify the players to ensure that things are working properly for the users. If necessary, you can also check for the incompatible mods or CC patches on popular websites such as SimsVIP.
- Remember the fact that the CCs and Game Mods are actually designed to function with the genuine variants of your Sims 4 game. As of now, there isn’t any guarantee that this might work if you have a pirated variant of your game. In case, your Sims 4 game is pirated, the mod might not be working for the very same reason. The best way to fix this issue is to purchase a copy for the Sims 4 game directly from the makers. This will ensure that all your CCs and Mods are compatible with the game and receive regular updates.
If you have tried out all these methods and the CC just doesn’t work, the right move would be to contact its original creator. If you’re not confident about which Sims version is better, then check out Sims 3 v/s Sims 4 to get a better idea.

Rachel Kaser is an English major who has an unparalleled ability to transform words into poetry! He is also a big e-sports enthusiast and spends his evenings honing his gaming skills. He combines his passions for writing and gaming to provide us with the perfect amalgamated piece of literary work.