Sims 4: How to Use the Motherlode Cheat?

Sims 4 Motherlode Cheat & how to use it (Updated) – 2024

Money cheats are one of the most common shortcuts that a player uses in the game because of how effective and quick it is. In the real and virtual world, money is an essential aspect of living; therefore, it’s vital to know the cheats that can help you out.

One such cheat is Motherlode, which is easy, quick, and can give your character a significant amount of money. But let’s learn more about it and understand how to use the Sims 4 motherlode cheat.

What is Motherlode Cheat Sims 4?

What is Motherlode Cheat Sims 4

This cheat first started in the Sims 2, and has been around for 2 decades now. In fact, this cheat has gained so much popularity that a few of the clothing items in real life also have Motherlode written on them. This shortcut provides your character 50,000 simoleans when entered into the game. That’s a lot!

How to Enable this Cheat?

Follow the steps below to enter this cheat correctly. 

  • PC users: click Ctrl + Shift + C; Mac users: Command + Shift + C, PS4 and Xbox users: press all four shoulder buttons at the same time.
  • Type “testingcheats true” and press enter.

Now, when you want to enter the code for earning 50,000 simoleans, enter “Motherlode” in the console box, and you’re good to go. Your character’s family funds would instantly change. You might not need to enable the cheats to use this shortcut, but if it doesn’t work, then you can go for this whole process. 

If you want to keep using the shortcut repeatedly, then after typing the code and pressing enter, click on the up arrow on your keyboard, and the cheat will work again. Do this as many times as you want without typing in the code again. 

Are You Allowed to Use Motherlode Cheat?

Yes, you’re allowed to use this cheat because it’s a loophole that the game itself provides to the players because they understand how essential these things are.

Therefore, you can easily access these shortcuts and use them without the fear that they might ban them anytime soon. 

However, you must do things as per the rules, and you’ve nothing to worry about. For instance, if you use this shortcut when you’re playing a Rags to Riches challenge, then it’d go against the rules of that challenge.

Other Sims 4 Money Cheats  

Apart from this, there are some more shortcuts that you can opt for to earn money in the game, and they are as follows – 

  • Kaching – gives 1,000 
  • Rosebud – gives 1000
  • Money X – Replace the X with whatever amount you want. 


This is how to use Sims 4 motherlode cheat in the game. It’s an essential code that is easy to remember, so it’s okay if you rely on it from time to time.

However, don’t use it too much; otherwise, it’d take the fun right out of the game. You can rest assured that you won’t run out of money, though, which is a relief.

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