Sims 4 Live in Business Mod – Download (2024)
You might be wondering what this Sims 4 live-in business mod is all about because the game already has several business careers, thanks to the Get to Work expansion. However, EA doesn’t offer players a chance to try out unconventional business options, such as daycare, gyms, vet clinics, and so on. It restricts players to only open retail stores if they want to.
Moreover, there’s no option for the characters to live in the same place they work, which is quite a common aspect nowadays.
Therefore, LittleMsSam has created a new mod for the Sims community, which allows players to live where they work, along with new Sims 4 business mods. So let’s get a deeper look at what this is all about.
Table of Contents
How to Use Live-in Business Mod Sims 4?
There are several options that the live-in business mod offers you for free, and they are even base game compatible, which is a plus point. So your character can now open a gym, a pet daycare, a nightclub, and so on in their own active lot, where they stay.
To do so, this mod offers you custom lot traits that you can add to your active household and turn it into a workplace as well. Players can now charge an entry fee or charge only for their service; it’s up to them. Here are the live-in businesses you can open through this feature –
- Live in Cafe – Requires Sims 4: Get Together
- Live in Bar
- Live in Club
- Live in Daycare
- Live in Gym
- Live in Pet Daycare
- Live in Vet Clinic
- Live in Store
It’s essential that your lot type is Residential; otherwise, these businesses won’t work. All you have to do is download or build a place and then set the lot type to Residential, which allows your avatar to live there. Now, open the Lot Traits tab and choose any of the businesses mentioned above.
To open or close for the day, you simply have to click the front door or any door, arch, etc., from where you want the guests to enter. Furthermore, during work hours, only areas that you want the visitors to see should be open; close the rest of the doors to your living room, for instance. These guests would actually be NPCs spawned by the game, and if your household size, including pets, objects, and so on, can’t handle so much, then the game would start lagging.
Players can run more than one business on their lot, but it might create lags and glitches in their game. Every business mod has specific requirements that you must know if you’re running that business, so now we’ll delve into that. But before doing so, let me clarify that the live-in business includes a few files when you download it. One of them is the main mod file, while the others are files for specific lot traits that help you run the businesses. You can either install all the files or only those that you need; there’s no compulsion.
1. Live-in Cafe
The basic requirements when you want a Sims 4 own a cafe mod is that you must have the Get to Work pack and you either get your character to tend to the barista station or hire someone to do so because as soon as the business opens, NPCs would start entering and ordering coffees and pastries. Players can earn up to $1,500 to $1,750 per day by serving food and drink, and characters can only collect the payment from the computer once per day when the cafe’s open.
Those with the More Buyable Venues mod can also earn additional profits. Also, it’s up to you when you wish to open or close the cafe. You can let it stay open 24 hours 7 days a week, or anything that suits you. Once you close the doors, the NPCs will only return the next day when it opens again.
If players have the Cats and Dogs expansion pack, then they can also include the LIB Cafe Addon, which would allow guests to visit the cafe along with their pets, making it a pet friendly cafe.
2. Live-in Bar
The process of running a bar is similar to that of a cafe, where either your character or a hired person has to look after the bar and serve drinks and food. Payment collection can only be done once a day during working hours. The bar can stay open 24/7 if you want, and you can earn up to $1,000 to $1,250 per day, which isn’t that bad, right?
3. Live-in Nightclub
When it comes to running a nightclub, players would need a bartender and entertainers or a DJ who can play music once the guests start arriving for a good time. They can either do this themselves or hire help.
Now, the payment system is different for this business as compared to the cafe or bar because instead of collecting payment once a day, your avatar would take an entry fee of $120 from every guest that is spawned. The fee can range from $1 to $999, so it’s up to you. But remember that your income would entirely rely on the number of characters visiting your lot and paying that fee. The More Buyable Venues mod can also help you earn extra income by charging money on every food and drink sold.
The process of opening and closing the club is the same; just click on the front door, gate or arches. The timings are entirely dependent on you.
4. Live in Daycare Sims 4
One of the unique requirements that this business expects from you is that you must ensure that there are a lot of toddlers in the world your character lives in because as soon as the daycare is open, the game will spawn 5-8 toddlers on your lot. Now, this is only possible if there are these many avatars present in the world because the game won’t create new NPCs for this.
Your character would earn $300 per toddler, but this entry fee can vary from $1 to $999, depending on what you choose. The characters would have to take care of their needs and play with them until they leave, which is within 12 hours. You can keep the business open the whole day, but the toddlers won’t stay the entire time.
Players can also opt for the More Toddler addon, which would enable the game to spawn 3-5 additional toddlers on the lot.
5. Live-in Gym
When you open a gym, the NPCs would start using the equipment available and would have to pay an entry fee ranging from $1 to $999. You can expect 15-20 characters to visit the gym a day, depending on your fee as well. So it’s best to keep it affordable so that more characters visit and help you gain profits.
The More Buyable Venue feature would enable players to earn extra by also mentoring other sims and giving yoga sessions as well. You can keep it open 24/7 if you want.
Players would require the LIB Gym Add on to avail the Work as Yoga Instructor feature. For this add on, players would need the Spa Day pack, which offers two options that appear once you click on the yoga mat. You can buy the mat from the Build/Buy mode’s Activities and Skill category.
- Firstly, it allows you to hire a yoga instructor, which will be spawned by the game, and once you click on them, you can instruct them to start 1 of the three yoga classes.
- Secondly, you can let your avatar become a yoga instructor, but only if they are a young adult or older than that and have +8 level in the Wellness skill. Click on your sim and let them start the yoga class. You must ensure that your character’s an active sim when choosing this option, and once the yoga’s done, you can click on the mat and choose the “Stop Working as Yoga Instructor” option.
6. Live-in Pet Daycare
Firstly, your character would need the Cats and Dogs expansion pack to run this business, and the subsequent requirement is that there should be enough dogs and cats in your world because there’d be 3-7 dogs and cats each in the daycare once it opens. It’s an ideal choice for animal lovers because they can play with them, run an obstacle course, train them, and pet these animals all day long.
Apart from that, they must also look after their needs, such as brushing their teeth, bathing, feeding, etc. The fee for each pet can range from $1 to $999, and just like toddlers, these pets would also stay for only 12 hours, regardless of whether you open the daycare 24/7.
7. Live-in Vet Clinic
This business is quite different from others in terms of its working mechanism. Again, for this business option, you’d require the Cats and Dogs expansion. When a pet arrives, the first thing you need to do is click on the exam table to examine the pet instead of greeting them. You’d need a Special Vet Exam Table for this and also a Surgery Station Medicine. You can buy these through the computer, and they’ll be delivered to your mailbox.
Also, the patients won’t start arriving as soon as you open the clinic; it’ll take some time. You’d be informed of the patients that come so that your character can see which patient is next. The owners of the pets will accompany them if they are sick. The pets would wait for some time, but if you don’t treat them, they’ll leave eventually.
You can earn $500 to $1000 per patient that is treated by your avatar. Since the workload might feel overwhelming at times because apart from treating the pets, your avatar would also have to fill their water bowls and clean the clinic; they can hire and fire people by clicking on the entrance door. You’re free to hire older sims as well. However, if you employ a character that already has a job, then they might not always come to work if their working hours clash with yours. So, it’s best to hire the sims that are unemployed.
Let me clarify one thing, though. These hired helpers won’t treat the patients or help you in doing so. They’d only help in the extra work around, such as filling the bowls, cleaning, making pet treats to supply the vending machines, etc. You’d have to pay $250 for each employee, so see if it fits your budget. Another thing, closing the clinic doesn’t mean that the employees would go home as well. You’d have to click on them to dismiss them for that day. You must also fire them if you plan on closing the business permanently.
Players can also opt for the Vet Clinic More Patients (LIB Vet Clinic Add On), which spawns more pets on their lot, and there’s another feature, Vet Clinic Outfit (LIB Vet Clinic Add On), which you can use if you want the employees to wear a uniform. Players can choose from the 4 options available: blue, brown, mint, and plum. You must only download one of the colors.
8. Live-in Retail Store
Unlike earlier, when running a retail store requires the Get to Work expansion, LittleMsSam has made this business base game compatible, which also changes the way it works. So once the store is open, the game would spawn 1 to 3 NPCs every hour, and some of the customers might be in for window shopping and would browse and leave the store without buying anything. Some of them might buy one thing and leave, while others might buy more than one item.
The highlight is that your avatar doesn’t have to greet or help out the customers, and they don’t have to hire help as well. The sims would select an item, pay, and leave the store on their own. Clicking on the door would redirect you to a pie menu that consists of various options, such as players can mark up the price of their objects. By default, it’s set at 0%, but you can change it to 25%, 50%, or 100%. However, as the price increases, the customer will be less likely to buy that item.
Players can also buy ad campaigns, which increases the number of customers to 2 to 6 per hour and also increases the odds of them buying something. A short term ad would cost you $25 per day, and it’ll run for two days, while the long term one, which is run for a week, costs a one time payment of $150. The second option is relatively cheaper if you think about it and would also reap more benefits.
In addition, you must set the items you want to sell on sale so that the customers can purchase them. Not all things can be sold. You can only sell craftables, harvestable, and collectibles. To sell these items, click on them and set them on sale. Selling fish would require you to buy an aquarium or opt for a retail display. If you display fresh food, then your sales will increase even more. For harvestable, click on the plant and sell it directly.
Here’s a detailed list of the things you can sell.
Players can sell the paintings their avatar creates in their gallery.
This includes all the items that your character made on the Woodworking Table, including objects via the More Woodworks Mod. Some of the instruments that your avatar created might have their interaction disabled, so ensure your avatar doesn’t use them on its own when they are on sale.
Self Written Books
Players can now sell the book they write to customers with the Copy Book interaction, which allows you to create copies of the books at a lower price. They’ll be added to your inventory on their own. Don’t sell the original, only the copies of it. Books that you’re selling would have the Read or Put Away interactions disabled.
- Fabricated Items
- Knitted Items
- Carved Pumpkins
- Herbalism Potions
- Realm of Magic Potions
- Toy Robots, Mini Bots & Quadcopter
- Flower Arrangements
- Serums
- Cross Stitches, Wool
- Canned Goods, Giant Crops Small to Large, Jerry/Jam, Milk, and Eggs
- Artifacts
- Fossils
- Treasures
- Crystals
- Metals
- Alien
- Space Rocks
- Autographed Objects
- Insects
- Easter Eggs
- My Sims
- Candy Skulls
- City Poster
- Postcards
- Snowglobes
- Frogs
- Space Prints
- Seashells
- Sulani Treasures
- Photos
- Food (with Honey) – It’s recommended to keep food in the retail display so that it stays fresh for longer, and also, once it’s set for sale, your sim can’t touch it anymore. Fresh food is easier to sell than spoiled food.
- Fish – As I mentioned earlier, an aquarium is required to sell the fish, and once you set it to sell by using the interaction in the aquarium, the customers would buy the fish directly from there. You can put it on retail display as well.
- Harvestables – This feature is compatible with custom plants that include the GardeningSkillPlant function. Selling these harvestable is easy because as soon as you set a bush or tree for sale, the customers would harvest that plant on their own.
You can see the retail price as well as the mark up on it to know how much you’d get from it, but this doesn’t work on fish and harvestable. If you make changes after setting it to sale, then the price may vary.
Once someone has bought an item from you, it won’t be added to their inventory automatically unless you have the “Send to Inventory” add on installed. The item would go to waste. Also, once an item is bought, you must create it again to resell it.
Optional Add Ons
Risk of Kleptos
This is a pretty fun add on, which would make kleptomaniac customers take your item and leave without paying.
Egg Box/Milk Container
For this feature, players would need the Cottage Living pack. So if your character has 100 eggs or milk with them in the inventory, you can click on that stack, and they’ll turn into an egg carton or a milk container. You can then sell the entire thing.
Global Add On
Less Income
This option would reduce your profits by half to make things difficult, and you’d have to work harder to earn money.
More Buyable Venues

You might be wondering what this mod is that we’ve been mentioning for so long. Well, this is another module by LittleMsSam, which adds more options for you to expand the business and earn more profits.
There are more venues that players can own now, such as gaming centers, cinemas, playgrounds, holiday homes, etc., that open up new opportunities for them. Some of the venues are up for rent as well that come with unique lot traits and turn those into customized places, such as a prison, hotel, etc.
Players can also hire a maid, gardener, handyman, etc., to help them out, and if you also take an entry fee from the visitors, then it’ll count as extra income.
Attend A Business Trip Interaction

If you’re in a business career, then you must do it right. This module allows your character to go on business trips as a professional, where they’ll delve into new deals or break them off. However, if they are successful, breaking a deal would still give them a confident moodlet, whereas if they aren’t as successful, then they’d gain the tense moodlet for a few hours.
A done deal would help them earn extra cash as a reward. The highlight is that this mod is compatible with each and every business career. All you have to do is select “Attend a Business Trip” on your sim’s phone, and they’ll soon be packing their bags.
Saleabration Retail System

Anything and everything is a saleable item with this mod, even food. You can sell anything you want and can even cancel doing so if you’ve changed your mind. To sell marked items, you can enable the sale, and disable it whenever you want. You can sell items at the same price that they would have been sold at if they were directly sold from the inventory. The mark up feature is available, though. So you can change the prices slightly, and even if you don’t own that item, you can still use the “Enable Retail Interactions” option on them.
Even the lot from which you’re selling the item doesn’t matter, so community lots, residential lots, and everything are open to you for selling the items. Also, sometimes the expansion packs come with specific venues in the game, so your sim can even add items there for sale as well.
Now let’s get into the specifics of how to go about this saleabration system.
- Firstly, open a business on a lot of your choice.
- Navigate to the Buy>Activities and Skills and purchase the Open for Business Controller that lets the people of the town know that this business is open, and it also offers your character a Business Owner Trait.
- This sign would help in opening and closing the business, selling items, naming your business, managing it, etc.
- Choose the objects you want to sell and select the “set for sale” option.
The highlight is that these objects would always remain in stock even after people buy them because they’d be buying copies of the item in their inventory, so the original one remains in the store. You can close the store whenever you want, and once you close it, you’ll receive the daily payments.
To use this mod, you must build or create a venue and set it to Residential lot type. Your character can now live there and then go to the Lot Traits tab and choose a business they wish to run. As soon as all this is done, you can click on the front door, and you’ll be open for business.
Yes, you can run a business from home by downloading the live-in business mod, which allows you to open a business of your choice on the residential lot where you live as well.
So now, along with the Get to Work expansion pack, you must download the Sims 4 business mods as well because the variety and opportunities they offer are unlimited. You will be missing out on excellent features if you don’t download one of the mods mentioned above. So give these a try and enhance your gaming experience to a whole other level.

Rachel Kaser is an English major who has an unparalleled ability to transform words into poetry! He is also a big e-sports enthusiast and spends his evenings honing his gaming skills. He combines his passions for writing and gaming to provide us with the perfect amalgamated piece of literary work.