Sims 4 Horns CC Mods (Download) – 2024
Horns instantly add a lot of deviousness to the character. Horns are associated with devilish behavior and are also a mark of seduction and intimidating personality. Anyone who adorns horns has a very special allure to them.
So if you are bored with the ordinary appearance of your Sim and want to spice up their outfits a bit, like getting ready for a Halloween party or going trick-or-treating, then you should take a look below as we have given some of the best sims 4 horns that you can give your Sim a try.
Table of Contents
The Best Horns Mod
Horns are a pretty new approach to setting up your character’s outfit, and they tend to be popular among the sim community because of their unique disposition and devilish aura. So let’s check out some sims 4 horns mod below.
Alexstrasza’s Horns From Heroes Of The Storm
If you want to give a dominating image to your Sim and would love to look intimidating, then this mod can be your go-to choice, as it provides one of the best horns cc that not only makes everyone want to steal your looks but also appears gorgeous. It makes your Sim looks like a goddess, thus making them seem overpowering.

Dragon Age: Inquisition – Qunari Horns by Valhallan
Taking inspiration from the Qunari Clan from the Dragon Age: Inquisition game, this mod offers the perfect demonic horns, which come in 27 swatches of colors that you can mix and match according to your outfit preference.

Chain Horns
As the title suggests, these horns get formed in a chain structure, which is quite unusual as horns are typically hard stone. These sims 4 cc horns look very cute on your Sims and come along in eight different colors for your sims to match with your outfit.

Party Horns With Balloons
If you are a constant party-giver and love providing them with a horror touch, then this mod is perfect for you. Horror fanatics love this because it gives the creepiest features available out there. The reason is that the party decoration comes with balloons with horns in their hair and hands located on the surface side of the balloons.
They look extremely eerie and strange, which instantly adds to the vibe of horror that you wish to display.

CherryVanillaSims Recolor of Flapjack’s Ribbed Horns
This mod got designed for any sim you have, be it the regular Sim, the vampire sim, the wolverine sim, or any sim that your character gets based upon. These get specially designed to highlight your accessories and come in four simple yet unique designs that catch the eye of any onlooker. Those designs are:
- Small
- Thicc
- Ribbed
- Thicc (forehead)
The only drawback is that it has a very limited range of colors, making it difficult to match along with different outfits.

Rare Demon Horns – Version 2
If you love adding unique accessories to your character’s outfit, then this pack offers you the perfect match for that. This mod has rare cc horns, which are not designed in a conventional way. The pattern of the horns does not get repeated, and they can be circular or in any design that you want. Another great aspect about them is that they come in a range of five colors that you can change according to the colors of your outfit.

Rare Demon Horns – Smaller Version
Here is another unique version of horns similar to the above one. Though this pack is smaller in its deliverance of horns, it’s still graceful and beautiful, adding a lot of final touch to your Sim’s appearance.

Goop Horns by Blahberry Pancake
The word goop itself in the title implies the colorful nature of the pack. This mod is full of everything you want a horn accessory back to have. It comes in multiple colors, especially with a neon touch, making them unique from the other mods in usual who have a simple spectrum of colors.
The colors are vibrant and look gorgeous on your Sim. Another great aspect about this is that it comes in four custom ranges of colors and is compatible for simmers of any age or gender, be it a toddler, an elder, a male, or a female.

Devil Horns
In deviating from the conventional idea of only having two horns, this mod breaks boundaries by providing the simmers with four unique horns. These look incredible when worn on any character of your Sim, whether they are a fairy, devil, angel, or anything. These are compatible with any character you choose and look beautiful when applied in the game.

Ideal Party Devil Horns Headband
Horn headbands are very trendy in today’s fashion line. These cute little horn headbands instantly make you look evil in a very glamorous way. They are mostly used during parties and are red which is perfect for a themed Halloween party. Grab this if you have a lot of Halloween parties lined up for October.

WildFire Horns Of The Genius
As the title suggests, these horns are a genius creation by the mod community. These horns are wild, rare, and fun in nature. Their unusual designs and patterns that do not fit into the conventional devil scene which makes them unique.
Another great aspect about this mode is that it comes with distinct patterns and comes in the shade of seven colors that you can choose in custom settings according to your preferences. Every color emits a different aura which makes them extremely compatible as it can match many outfits as you wish.

Capricorn Horn Accessory by Screaming Mustard
Accessorizing your horns, which is itself an accessory, seems to be a very dainty idea. So if you are into things that are extravagant in the sense that you can dress up even the accessories, then you should try this one as it is extremely stylish and comes with hoop earrings that get fitted along with the horns. Another good aspect about this pack is that it comes in four very beautiful colors though limited in options.

Demonic Halloween Horns For Females And Males
During the spooky season, one must have a ton of scary accessories to adorn during the entire month of October. Their small and lightweight design makes them extremely comfortable for anyone to wear during various parties or trick or treating. Another great thing about them is that instead of being available for one gender, they are unisex, compatible for both males and females.

Spooky Dark Halloween Horns
Fantasy touch and a devilish look – This mod fits the image flawlessly. These are the most unique horns that we have seen among all the other mods. They are amazing because these horns are not tiny like the others but are huge and look like real devil’s horns. It comes in two versions to fulfill your dream of the perfect Halloween outfit.

Crown of Horns by Nolan Sims
Crowns are associated with nobles and the aristocracy. This set not only accentuates your whole look but also beautifies every intricate detail that your outfit entails. The only reason you should try this is that no matter what dress you wear, this crown set will make heads turn as it’s too gorgeous to get overlooked.

Fantasy Ears And Horns Set For A Fairy Look
If you are confused between choosing the heavenly side or the devilish side but would love to accommodate both, this mod might help you achieve that goal. These horns are incredibly beautiful and have sweep ears behind them, making them look like angel wings. It makes you look devious and angelic at the same time. Another terrific thing about them is that they come in multiple colors that leave room for more choices.

Illibaby WoW Demon CC Hunter Horns For Toddlers
Illidan is known for their amazing warfare behavior; their mighty nature gives them a devilish image that teaches a fantasy element and makes them look extremely fun to wear. This pack is great not because it applies only to adults but also to toddlers. So if you want an all-age compatible horn accessory, this could be the ideal choice for you.

Illiquid WoW Demon Hunter Horns For Kids
Wow, Demon Hunter is another horn mod exclusively designed for kids. It makes them look like little demons in a very adorable way. This pack should not go amiss as they are sure to make your kid look the cutest person in the whole party.

Trapping’s Sims 4 antlers by Deetron Sims
Antlers are beautiful creatures that roam the lands of the earth. And imagining an antler and human hybrid appears unique. It comes in three customized colors, compatible with people of all ages and gender.

Leah Lilith’s Dark Vision Horns
This pack is one of the most used mods among all the other ones. It enjoys so much popularity among the Sims community because it has a very grimy vibe. It’sIt’s melancholic in the sense that it looks dark and beautiful at the same time.

Leah Lillith’s Brilliant Maleficent Horns
Suppose you are a fan of Angelina Jolie’s character in maleficent and would love to copy her style for a Halloween costume party. In that case, this will offer you the perfect outfit for that occasion. It has horns that strongly resemble the character of maleficent in a very striking way. Another aspect that makes it extremely worth the grab is its range of shades which comes in 50 colors that suit any outfit you wear.

Lildari WoW Demon Hunter Horns Smaller Version
Who knew horns could be this cute? This pack solves all the problems if compatibility is the biggest issue in wearing horns for the spooky season. These horns are adorable and can suit any outfit that you want, along with the character you choose to adorn it on. The character can be a vampire or a werewolf, or even an ordinary sim; it matches them all.

Fantasia Headdress by Suzue
Just like the mustard one, these are extremely extravagant in how they get accessorized. Instead of earrings, these have pearls within the long slender tips of the horns, making them look gorgeous. The fun trait of this is that it comes in ten swatches that match every outfit.

Jolly Reindeer Ears & Horns
As the word suggests, reindeers are often associated with the winter season, and these Rudolph horns are a perfect go-to outfit or accessory for the winter season. These look extremely jolly, a.k.a. fun in disposition which renders them extremely comfy to wear during the winter season.

Rudolph’s Horns And Nose For Toddlers
This batch is the same as above, but the only difference is that it comes with the nose and gets specifically designed for toddlers. Instead, everything it has is the same as the above, making it fun and stylish to wear during the winter season.

Unicorn Horn by Bellassims
We have seen almost every hybrid in this guide, but nothing could beat this one. This unicorn cc horn mod comes in a range of thirty-six options with an option of accessorizing it eighteen swatches of either silver or gold.

Horns Pack by Azentase
These come in curve and swept modes that make them quite famous for their range of three colors in four patterns of
- Bambous
- Maniac
- Panic
- Kleptomania
If you want to maximize your entire look to a much stunning level, then match this pack with the alpha cc hair for a complete look.

Christmas Reindeer Celebration Horns In Diadem Style
The Christmas season gets marked by sparkling fairy lights, Christmas trees, and a very cheerful atmosphere in the whole household. And this mod appears to offer what Christmas entails. They come in bright colors and look gorgeous when worn during any celebration. Due to their cute design, they give a sort of cheerful aura to the entire household.

Horns are an accessory in the sims four-game, which you can use to go along with your outfit. There are different mods provided by various developers that you can choose to employ in your game. All you have to do is navigate to the links we have attached above and install them to execute it in your game.
We hope this guide was useful for getting prepped up for your next Halloween party. The different sims 4 horns that we have stated above are all unique in structure and got designed to fit your Sim’s character’s outfits.

Rachel Kaser is an English major who has an unparalleled ability to transform words into poetry! He is also a big e-sports enthusiast and spends his evenings honing his gaming skills. He combines his passions for writing and gaming to provide us with the perfect amalgamated piece of literary work.